The Leading Princeton Publication of Conservative Thought


New Nassau: The Rebirth of Princeton

/May 30, 2022

Stanford philosopher Rene Girard theorized that communities are formed through a process of scapegoating. To solve intragroup conflict, people will assign exclusive blame to a single individual, the scapegoat, whom they unite to rally against. Though the scapegoat does not deserve his punishment, the process unites people to form a community, and its associated story […]

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Where Has Journalistic Integrity Gone?

/May 30, 2022

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone. In my capacity as a reporter for The Princeton Tory, I covered the recent Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) aligned referendum that came before the student body for a vote. Eric Periman ‘24, President of the Princeton Committee on Palestine (PCP), authored the […]

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Liberal Studies: An Apology

/May 11, 2022

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone.   “We shall call those studies liberal which are worthy of a free man; those studies by which we attain and practise virtue and wisdom; that education which calls forth, trains, and develops those highest gifts of body and of mind, and which […]

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Why I Would Send My Kids to Princeton

/May 10, 2022

A 2014 article entitled Don’t Send Your Kid to the Ivy League by William Deresiewicz (an Ivy grad and faculty member) argued that “[o]ur system of elite education manufactures young people who are . . . great at what they’re doing but with no idea why they’re doing it.” Students at “prestigious institutions,” it claimed, are always concerned […]

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The Boy Who Cried “Left-Wing Mob”: How Campus Free-Speech Rhetoric Must Change

/May 9, 2022

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone.   “Beware of the left-wing mob.” It’s an oft-repeated slogan among proponents of free speech on college campuses around the country and certainly at Princeton. The Princeton Open Campus Coalition (POCC), the organization dedicated to the promotion of free speech on this campus, […]

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What Do I Do in College?

/May 8, 2022

On a recent trip home, a family friend asked me how I maintain my conservative beliefs in an aggressively progressive environment. In that moment, I gave him the boilerplate answer. But on further reflection, I realized that I owed it to him – and myself – to dig deeper. I hope he will allow this […]

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Religion, Truth-Seeking, and the University

/May 7, 2022

Occurrences like Terrace Club sending an email explicitly mocking a protestant religious event or a prominent Princeton alumna repeatedly tweeting unfounded accusations that Catholic Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barett is in a cult happen far too often to be dismissed as random incidents. They indicate that many Princetonians graduate as religious illiterates – unfamiliar with […]

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On The Daily Princetonian’s News Biases

/April 21, 2022

The Princeton Progressive, Princeton’s leftist political publication, has gone dormant. Why? Because The Daily Princetonian has stolen its mantle. Consider the Prince’s treatment of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)-aligned Referendum No. 3. According to the Prince’s reporting, a contested interpretation of a USG constitutional rule is a matter of fact – a decision that […]

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BDS Referendum Objectors Disavow Targeting of Chief Elections Manager | STATEMENT

/April 18, 2022

The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone.   As leaders of an objection regarding USG’s management of Referendum No. 3, we strongly and unqualifiedly disavow those who have harassed the Chief Elections Manager or alleged that he operated in bad faith. His was a simple and honest mistake––the kind we […]

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Running Defense for Iran, on Princeton’s Dime

/March 24, 2022

Image courtesy of International Peace Institute   If there is one state that bears responsibility for an outsized share of suffering and instability in the Middle East, it is Iran. An autocracy that subsidizes an alarming portfolio of regional terrorism, the Islamic Republic is hostile to the U.S. and poses grave threats to Israel, other […]

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The Unintended Effects of Conservative Speakers

/March 23, 2022

Image courtesy of Princeton University   The following is an opinion contribution and reflects the author’s views alone.   After de jure limitations on free speech on college campuses spurred corrective policies, University administrators and advocates of free speech must now construct protections against de facto limitations. My experience at Princeton hosting conservative intellectuals has […]

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