The Leading Princeton Publication of Conservative Thought

Representative Jim Hagedorn on the Conservative Response to Coronavirus

On Friday May 8, 2020, The Princeton Tory joined with Princeton College Republicans and the Cliosophic Party for a conversation with Representative Jim Hagedorn (R-MN), member of the House Committees on Agriculture and Small Businesses, to discuss his current political outlook, the conservative response to coronavirus, and his thoughts
on rebuilding the American economy.

The attached audio includes Representative Hagedorn response to the following questions:
4:35 – Day-to-day as a congressman during the Coronavirus epidemic
8:45 – Balancing food supply concerns with the rights of meatpacking workers
12:00 – Concerns with the Paycheck Protection Program’s precedence
15:40 – Possible paths forward that would enable reopening the country
20:05 – Coronavirus’ impact on the US-Chinese relationship
23:55 – Coronavirus’ influence on the 2020 Election
28:40 – Current scientific developments at Mayo Clinic aimed at combatting the virus
30:47 – The importance of testing and private labs
33:30 – Constitutionality of stay-at-home orders and other government restrictions
36:30 – Government spending and bailouts

